Introduction to GDPR Training for Schools - Intermediate Course
Section 1 - GDPR - What is it?
Section 1 - Check your learning
Section 2 - GDPR "Actors"
Section 2 - Check your learning
Section 3 - Data Subject Rights
Section 3 - Check your learning
Section 4 - Data Controllers & Processors
Section 4 - Check your learning
Section 5 - Data Protection Principles
Section 5 - Check your learning
Section 6 - Penalties
Section 6 - Check your learning
Section 7 - Legal Basis
Section 7 - Check your learning
Section 8 - Consent
Section 8 - Check your learning
Section 9 - Data Breaches
Section 9 - Check your learning
Section 10 - Subject Access Requests
Section 10 - Check your learning
Section 11 - Data Protection Officers (DPOs)
Section 11 - Check your learning
Section 12 - International Transfers of Personal Data
Section 12 - Check your learning
Section 13 - Data Mapping & Risk-Based Approach
Section 13 - Check your learning
Section 14 - Key Actions for School Staff
Section 15 - Useful Resources
Assessment Module
